Tuesday, March 22, 2016

SketchUp Model with Box Stairs
Experiment 1: Datum


Front perspective of model

Back perspective of model

Box Stairs

Pages from Sketchbook

Quick sketches showing original idea for box stairs (bottom left)

Further developments of box stairs idea with sections on the top right

Architecture Responds to:

Delicious (adjective for Pasi Petanen - above) and 
Shoe (noun for Givenchy - below)

Materials Selection

Main material for below - rock or stone
Main material for above - concrete

Other material for below - glass window to the pool and possibly wood paneling
Other material for above - steel frame and glass for the windows

Stairs in model - wood and glass bricks supported by steel supports

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

First SketchUp Model 
Experiment 1: Datum


Front perspective of model

Back perspective of model

& the sketch the model was based on...

Delicious (adjective for Pasi Petanen - above) and Shoe (noun for Givenchy - below)

Materials Selection:

Main material for below - rock or stone
Main material for above - concrete
Other material for below - glass window to the pool and possibly wood paneling
Other material for above - steel frame and glass for the windows

Creative Work from each of the Designer Clients 
Experiment One: Datum

Jeff Wright


Noun: wheels
Verb: ride
Adjective: sleek


Pump in black calf leather

Noun: shoe
Verb: create/design
Adjective: sophisticated

Pasi Petanen

Pasi Petanen's take on fairy bread

Noun: licorice (sweets)
Verb: slice
Adjective: delicious
1. My best piece of creative work before coming to this course... 
I love creating houses and decorating them in Sims 4 - here are two of my favourite builds in the last year

Hmm, ok so I might regret posting that I absolutely adore The Sims 4 here on my University Blog lol but I just can't help the enthusiasm I share with many others about this game!
A little about my creative builds: both were built by me using the tools given in the game, both were inspired by two very different sources: the first, Grim's Luxury Abode was a little challenge I set for myself to create a similar yet unique Grim Reaper house that was available to download for the previous version The Sims 3. I just had to create a home for the town's favourite reaper! and the second, Sweet Victorian was another little self-imposed challenge. Up until now I have only ever created modern looking houses in the Sims but I wanted to challenge myself to create a more classic building... and so I did, adding a soft pastel exterior and interior colour scheme. I simply adore it!

2. an image of a great piece of architecture...
Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's The Barcelona Pavilion

For as long as I can remember, since my passion for architecture and design began I have been absolutely fascinated with Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings and out of all of them Fallingwater stands out as the ultimate beauty. Why do I find it fascinating? I love the simple geometric shapes used to design this unique looking cantilevered structure, and it appears to sit so comfortably on a waterfall!
Recently I also discovered Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's The Barcelona Pavilion and was very intrigued with the way the roof seems to effortlessly sit atop of the very light-appearing structure of glass and polished stone. It just appears to be a very tranquil space. Just for fun one day, I even set a challenge to re-create the Pavillion in The Sims 4.

3. An original photograph of something beautiful...

Rome and Ruins!! I adored being in Rome. Something about the city just spoke to me. I was intrigued by the juxtaposition of old ancient ruins and newer living spaces existing in one area so closely as if knit together by some very intricate thread. The contrast between old and new was so striking to me as I had never seen anything like it before or since. The Roman Forum, and who could forget the classic Colosseum... what a sight to behold! I think I recall having to pinch myself to make sure I was awake :)

I found this statue while walking through a garden in Sorrento? I think. I can not recall if there was any kind of plaque attached to the statue either. I remember thinking "beautiful" and exclaiming that I simply must take a photo of it! The gracefulness of the movement, a woman lovingly holding a sweet little child, is not lost in to stonework here, it is emphasised by the way the sculptor has depicted the gentle touch of the child's hand and the lovely folds in the woman's clothes and even the soft curls of her hair. It just captured me, perhaps I was homesick and missing mum's warm hugs :)